As part of our global network of activists, you are not alone. In this time of uncertainty, fear, and instability, Peace Brigades International USA extends our support to those of you struggling to remain optimistic in this challenging time.

Around the world, communities are stepping up to tackle this unprecedented global health crisis: organizing mutual aid; donating time and money to the vulnerable, and taking risks to guarantee the safety of humanity. PBI remains convinced that solidarity, empathy, and connection will overcome this historic challenge, and lay the groundwork for the construction of fairer societies based on respect, tolerance and inclusion of all voices. Find out more about the situation in the countries we work in and the actions we are taking below:


The next few months are likely to be very difficult for the at-risk human rights defenders PBI support. We are concerned for those experiencing greater repression, those seeking refuge from violence, and those risking their lives to protect civil liberties. We also fear for the vulnerable communities living without access to water, healthcare and sanitation and other necessities that could keep them safe during the crisis. Protecting them is our key priority.


Doctors and nurses are tirelessly working through the serious threat of the coronavirus and exposing themselves to the risks. Similarly, human rights defenders are working and exposing themselves to serious threats of violence and death. They are all risking their lives to defend others. 


On March 24th, two Embera indigenous leaders were assassinated and two other indigenous were wounded. In addition, three Colombian rural activists were killed last week after quarantine measures were introduced by death squats who are taking advantage of the coronavirus lockdowns. 


We are all human rights defenders and must take this responsibility seriously in the face of the major challenges we are being confronted with. When states fail to guarantee our rights, we must raise our voices and fight for those more vulnerable than ourselves.


At times of crisis, we must unite as a global community of human rights defenders to ensure that marginalized groups are not disproportionately affected. PBI will continue to support defenders as best we can by generating networks of solidarity that strengthen our voices and combat feelings of isolation and helplessness.