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Publications & Resources


PBI-USA Annual Newsletter - PEACE IN ACTION

Field Project Publications

Colombia  Guatemala  Honduras  Kenya  Mexico  Nepal Nicaragua


Unarmed Bodyguards: International Accompaniment for the Protection of Human Rights, by Liam Mahony and Luis Enrique Eguren, Kumarian Press, 1997.

Taking a Stand: A Guide to Peace Teams and Accompaniment Projects, Elizabeth Boardman, New Society Publishers, 2005.


In the Company of Fear - DVD on the work of PBI in Colombia, 1999. 52 Minutes.

The Olopa Sit-In Blockade: “Our Struggle continues”. - short video tells the struggle of the Peaceful Resistance of Olopa in Guatemala, 2020. 5 Minutes.

PBI-USA has a catalog of documentary videos from the field for your next company, organization, or group retreat or meeting. Please contact PBI-USA for more information on this and other titles. 

Online Resources

Facilitator’s Guide for Human Rights Defender Security and Protection Program (2015), by PBI-Mexico

Honduras 2015 UN Universal Periodic Review Briefing on the Situation of Human Rights Defenders (2015), by PBI Honduras

This is Kenya: Local Perspectives on the Protection of HRDs (2014), by PBI Kenya

Dignas - Voices of women human rights defenders in Mexico (2012), by PBI-Mexico

Guatemala’s Indigenous Women in Resistance (2010), by PBI-Guatemala

Protection Manual for Human Rights Defenders, by Enrique Eguren of PBI, European Office (PBI-BEO), and published by Front Line Defenders.

Related Articles

Nonpartisanship, interventionism and legality in accompaniment: comparative analyses of Peace Brigades International, Christian Peacemaker Teams, and the International Solidarity Movement,” by Prof. Patrick G. Coy, Director - Center for Applied Conflict Management, Kent State University.

Archived Publications

PBI Global Annual Review