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Appeal with 2000+ signatures delivered to Colombian President

Appeal with 2000+ signatures delivered to Colombian President

More than 2000 signatures have been sent to Colombian President Manuel Santos as part of an appeal requesting protection of a rally organized by Colombia’s National Movement of Victims of State Crimes (MOVICE). The campaign was led by PBI partner Latin America Working Group. PBI USA requested supporters from across the US to send appeals to the president and appreciates the large number of responses. See letter and signatures at:

On March 6th, the National Movement of Victims of State Crimes MOVICE led rallies across Colombia demanding protection, respect, and complete return of lands to those who have had to flee their homes due to paramilitary, guerrilla and army violence in Colombia. It has been reported that organizers have already started receiving threats from paramilitary groups. Despite the threats and harassments, they feel that they have no other choice if they want the voices of Colombia's victims of violence to be heard. Their fight for truth, justice and reparations is continue and need international solidarity. The rally went off as planned and was very successful.

In 2008 another MOVICE rally for victims was met with an avalanche of death threats and several attacks against the organizers from government and security officials.  Peace Brigades International has been providing protective accompaniments to the members of MOVICE. PBI USA thanks all supporters for joining in the signature campaign for the protection of Colombian activists.