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More than 180 organizations are calling for Prime Minister of Canada promote effective regulation of Canadian mining companies operating in Latin America

More than 180 organizations are calling for Prime Minister of Canada promote effective regulation of Canadian mining companies operating in Latin America

Justin Trudeau should implement reforms for mining companies in their country comply with the highest international standards of human rights.

Washington, DC April 25, 2016.- More than 180 organizations based in Latin America, Europe and the United States today delivered the Prime Minister of Canada a public letter. It urged its government to promote legal and administrative reforms in order to more effectively regulate the actions of Canadian mining companies in the world. The diplomatic and financial support of Canadian mining companies that commit or tolerate human rights violations in Latin America has been evidenced by thematic committees and special rapporteurs of the Universal System of Human Rights of the United Nations and in public hearings held by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.

Find the letter here.