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1,443 cases of police brutality as National Strike protests enter their eighth day in Colombia

1,443 cases of police brutality as National Strike protests enter their eighth day in Colombia

Photo: PBI-Colombia accompanies the Committee in Solidarity with Political Prisoners (CSPP) in Bogotá on April 28, the first day of the national strike.

This morning, Wednesday, May 5, the ongoing protests in Colombia are entering their eighth day since the national strike began on Wednesday, April 28.

The casualties

The Bogota-based organization Temblores reports that between April 28 (at 6 am) and May 4 (at 8 am) they have documented 1,443 cases of police brutality, 31 victims of homicide by the police, 814 arbitrary arrests, 21 victims with injuries to their eyes, and 10 victims of sexual assault by the public force (army and police).

Colombia’s human rights ombudsman – a state agency independent from the government – has also stated that 89 people have “disappeared” since the protests began.

What’s driving the protests?

Agence France-Presse reports: “Tens of thousands of Colombians have taken to the streets in demonstrations against a proposed tax reform but have since morphed into broader protest against the government of President Ivan Duque.”

France 24 explains the broader context of the protests: “Aboriginal communities and citizens in general, such as young university students, demonstrate against a project on health reform, demand compliance with what was agreed in the 2016 peace agreement, reject militarization policies, and maintain their stance against fracking and glyphosate spraying, which the Government seeks to resume.”

That article also further notes: “The scenes of aggression in recent days [have] revived calls for police reform. They call for the dismantling of ESMAD, the Mobile Riot Squad, accused of suppressing protesters.”

Riot police and soldiers on the streets

AFP reports: “Cali, Colombia’s third-biggest city, has had soldiers patrolling its streets since last Friday [April 30] on government orders. In Cali alone, 700 soldiers, 500 riot police officers, 1,800 other police and two helicopters have been put into operation.”

The Associated Press also reports that soldiers and army tanks were seen on the outskirts of Bogota on Tuesday, May 4.

PBI accompaniment

Peace Brigades International has been providing physical and political accompaniment to human rights organizations during these national strike protests.

On May 4, PBI-Colombia accompanied the Association for Research and Social Action (NOMADESC) in the neighbourhood of Siloé in Cali where they reported at least 3 homicides and multiple injuries the previous night. On May 3, PBI-Colombia also accompanied NOMADESC in monitoring mobilization points in Cali.

And on April 28, PBI-Colombia accompanied the Committee in Solidarity with Political Prisoners (CSPP) at the national strike march in Bogota, as well as the Social Corporation for Community Advice and Training (COSPACC) in the city of Yopal, Casanare.

Peace Brigades International has been providing accompaniment to human rights defenders in Colombia since 1994.


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