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ASMAC and CEDEHM comment on “historic sentence” in the killing of Rarámuri land defender Julian Carrillo

ASMAC and CEDEHM comment on “historic sentence” in the killing of Rarámuri land defender Julian Carrillo

Article by PBI-Canada

The PBI-Mexico accompanied Sierra Madre Alliance (ASMAC) and the Centre for Women’s Human Rights (CEDEHM) have commented on the “historic sentence” for the killing of Indigenous human rights defender Julián Carrillo Martínez.

This statement notes that “the Mina Judicial District in Chihuahua issued the sentence for the murders of Julián Carrillo Martínez and his son Victor Carrillo Carrillo, which occurred in October 2018 and February 2016, respectively.”

“The sentence imposed 48 years in prison for one of the material perpetrators of the two killings.”

“During the trial, it was established that the human rights of the community were violated and that the State had failed to provide protection to defenders.”

It also recognized that the acts of violence perpetrated against the community defending their territory, people had been forcibly displaced from their homes.

“Therefore, authorities at different levels of government will be asked to take efficient public security actions to eradicate the criminal group operating in the area and thus ensure the dignified and safe return of families to their place of origin.”

The judgment also contemplated reparation of “moral damage”, recognition of Julián Carrillo Martínez as a human rights defender, and “compensation measures were ordered in favor of those who prove that they had suffered economically.”

“This judgment is a unique reference in the country when considering the systematic context of violence suffered by the community in defense of its territory, recognizing the impacts of the community on the basis of the murder of one of its leaders.”

“Above all, it recognizes human rights violations and contemplates comprehensive redress measures by state authorities.”

The statement also notes that ASMAC and CEDEHM “recognize that this judgment sets a precedent at the national level and we hope to serve as a reference for other indigenous communities that face the same obstacles in their worthy struggle for respect for their ancestral territory.”

To read the full statement in Spanish, please click here.

ASMAC director Isela Gonzalez and community members Otón Portillo and Celestino Carrillo participated in a webinar on March 11 organized by Peace Brigades International-Canada and Amnesty International-Canada.

For more on that webinar, click here.

