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Colombian environmentalist and national strike leader Victor Orlando Mosquera murdered in Cali

Colombian environmentalist and national strike leader Victor Orlando Mosquera murdered in Cali

Photo: Victor Orlando Mosquera

El Disconcierto reports: “Youth social leader Victor Orlando Mosquera, one of the leaders of the National Strike in the Colombian city of Cali, has been found dead four days after his disappearance.”

“Mosquera, 33, who led the Return to the Countryside Ethnic Garden in eastern Cali, has been found buried in the vicinity of the orchard itself. The body has stab wounds, reports Colombian broadcaster Blu Radio.”

The article adds: “Víctor, who participated in the dialogues with the district administration, had the dream of showing a different face of eastern Cali and generating new opportunities for his children and young people.”

El Tiempo highlights: “From the so-called first lines of Puerto Resistencia, in eastern Cali, Mosquera actively participated in the national strike in May and June in the capital of Valle del Cauca.”

And Infobae further notes: “Mosquera, who participated in the environmental organization Huerta Étnica Retorno al Campo, became known in different episodes of the previous national strike when he promoted dialogues between different social actors in the city of Cali.”

PBI-USA extends its condolences to his friends and family and its solidarity to all those seeking peace with justice in Colombia.

More on this soon.