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David Castillo, a Convicted Planner of Berta Cáceres’ Murder, Sentenced to 22.6 Years

David Castillo, a Convicted Planner of Berta Cáceres’ Murder, Sentenced to 22.6 Years

On June 20th, David Castillo was sentenced to 22.6 years in prison for participating in the assassination of the Indigenous human rights leader Berta Cáceres in 2016. Berta Cáceres founded and led the Civic Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras (COPINH). COPINH continues to call for the prosecutions of members of the Atala family as additional authors of the crime: “Investigations by international experts have shown that there is an intellectual authorship in the assassination of Berta Cáceres. This intellectual authorship is composed of the brothers Jacobo, José Eduardo, Pedro Atala Zablah, and Daniel Atala Midence. So far, the Public Prosecutor’s Office, led by Óscar Chinchilla and specifically the Prosecutor’s Office for Crimes Against Life, has not made any real progress in clarifying the intellectual authorship of this case. We demand that the duty of the Public Prosecutor’s Office to prosecute the intellectual authors be fulfilled.”