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"Disappearances aren’t stopping, and in the face of the new challenges implicated by the pandemic, for families, the need to continue searching does not stop." Movement for our Disappeared in Mexico

Article by PBI-Mexico

Mother’s Day is celebrated in Mexico on May 10. However, for the mothers of disappeared people, this date is not a cause for celebration, but rather a day of struggle and reclamation due to the absence of their loved ones. For almost 10 years, together with families of disappeared people, they have convened the March for National Dignity “Mothers looking for their sons, daughters, truth, and justice”, to call attention to the fact that not everyone can celebrate this day as they wish while demanding the need for truth and justice from the State.

Given the impossibility of carrying out the march due to the current health crisis, this year the Movement for Our Disappeared in Mexico calls for a #DigitalMobilization to commemorate this date in the midst of the pandemic, calling for unity and solidarity to continue making visible the scourge of enforced disappearance in Mexico. The initiative consists of uploading videos and photos to social networks with messages of support for the mothers and families of disappeared people with the hashtag #CorazonesEnMarcha.

PBI supports organizations both from the Movement for Our Disappeared and from the National Campaign against Enforced Disappearance in Mexico, who fight for recognition of the issue of enforced disappearance in Mexico and for the voices of victims to be heard and included in the design of public policies on the subject. In particular, we recognize the incessant work of mothers, fathers, and relatives of disappeared people, as well as that of the defenders who accompany groups in their search for truth and justice. We emphasize the need for their recognition and protection as human rights defenders, and we express our solidarity with the important work they do every day.
