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This Earth Day, do something for the planet and for the people who defend it.

This Earth Day, do something for the planet and for the people who defend it.

Today April 22nd, 2021, we celebrate Earth Day and all of the people who work tirelessly to protect the Earth


Can we count on your financial support to help protect the defenders of the Earth?


Attacks against land and environmental defenders have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns. This Earth Day 2021, it’s time to shine a spotlight on the guardians of Mother Earth, defenders who stand at the front line to defend their land and territories from corporate or state abuse and unsustainable exploitation by extractive industries.


This Earth Day, do something for the planet and for the people who defend it.


Please, consider donating to Peace Brigades International-USA, to show solidarity with land and environmental defenders. All of the donations collected will go directly towards our work to protect human rights defenders.


Make a donation.


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Jani is the President of the ADISPA (Holistic and Sustainable Development Association for the Peal of the Amazon) that promotes environmental protection by working in territorial management and conducting trainings in the Farmer Reserve Zone, the Pearl of the Amazon. 


Jani has been displaced from her territory after having received multiple threats and attacks for her work denouncing human rights and environmental violations in the region.



Make checks payable:


Peace Brigades International-USA
P.O. Box 75880
Washington, DC 20013