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Giving Tuesday - December 1st, 2020

Giving Tuesday - December 1st, 2020


Hi everyone,

Firstly, we extend a warm greeting to you as part of the extended PBI family at the end of this very strange and challenging year.  We hope you and your loved ones are well and wish you a restful and rejuvenating December.

As you may know, December 1st, is #GivingTuesday, the international day to give to nonprofit organizations. This year, PBI has decided to reach out to all those who have formed integral parts of the organization over the years to ask for your support in these particularly challenging times.

PBI continues in steadfast solidarity with human rights defenders in different parts of the world who are threatened and attacked for standing up to systems of oppression. Despite the challenges of the pandemic, we continue to stand alongside these brave individuals and collectives as symbols of international solidarity and support.  PBI plays a vital role in ensuring that the voices of communities, organizations and grassroots movements are heard and that they can continue their hugely important work despite the very real risk they are often exposed to.

The pandemic has exacerbated inequalities across the world and many of the defenders we work with are at the frontline ensuring that those in situations of vulnerability have access to health services and to justice for the human rights violations that continue despite the pandemic. They rely on PBI to ensure they can continue this fundamental work in the safe conditions they deserve.

So, if you can and would like to donate this #GivingTuesday, or at any time, to help us continue supporting defenders, please follow this link:

You can also support our work by liking and sharing our #GivingTuesday campaign on Facebook and Twitter or sharing this e-mail - and your personal experience with PBI - with friends and family. 

We are so grateful for your continued support and for the solidarity you and so many others express with defenders throughout the world.


Many thanks and best wishes,


Jorge Rodriguez-Larrain

Director of Grassroots Fundraising and Communications

Peace Brigades International - USA

