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March for Dignity against the killing of social leaders and exploitation by transnational corporations approaches Bogota

March for Dignity against the killing of social leaders and exploitation by transnational corporations approaches Bogota

Article by PBI-Canada

On July 18, Contagio Radio reported that the two routes of the March for Dignity will arrive in Bogota on July 20, National Independence Day.

“The so-called ‘Ruta Libertadora’ started from Gibraltar, municipality of Toledo, Norte de Santander [500 kilometres north of Bogota], while the ‘Ruta Comunera’ did it from Barrancabermeja, Santander [425 kilometres north of Bogota].”

That article also explained: “[This is in addition to] the initial March for Dignity that started on June 25 from Popayán, Cauca in which the walkers traveled more than 590 kilometers arriving at Bogotá on Friday, July 10.”

Telesur has noted: “[The department of Cauca] has been one of the most affected by the violence that has increased since the beginning of the quarantine in the country.”

On July 13, Tercera Informacion reported: “The walkers urge citizens to unite around a group of demands directed at the national government, among them, that guarantees be provided to the life and dignity of all Colombians and, in particular, to social leaders.”

That article highlights: “The previous week, Senator Iván Cepeda Castro announced that since the signing of the Peace Accords in November 2016, at least 450 social leaders and 215 ex-combatants of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People’s Army have been assassinated (FARC-EP).”

“They also demand the protection of the territories from the exploitation of multinational companies that appropriate the wealth for their own benefit and contaminate the soil, water and air, thereby endangering the existence of future generations.”

Las2Orillas adds that the marches have been peaceful and have practiced “all the necessary biosecurity measures.”

Asociación Nomadesc has been tweeting frequently about this march, including this tweet that states: “Let the drums resound for the lives of our leaders, Indigenous, Afros, Peasants, Students and murdered women.”

Photo – On July 13, Asociación Nomadesc tweeted: “Day 13. Today our walkers say goodbye to the beautiful Ibagué in the Department of Tolima and will face a long Day of Walking. The goal is getting closer! With a firm step for the Rights of Peoples!”