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PBI accompanies other international accompaniment organizations

PBI accompanies other international accompaniment organizations

Article by PBI-Canada

On February 18, PBI-Colombia posted on its Instagram page: “Did you know that PBI sometimes accompanies other international accompaniment organizations?”

“Here in this photo, PBI brigade volunteers share with colleagues from FOR @peace_presence and Palomas @operazionecolomba in an accompaniment to the San José de Apartadó peace community in Urabá.”

“In other parts of Colombia, we have accompanied by hand with @iapcolombia and @ecapcol, among other international organizations.”

The organizations noted above are FOR Peace Presence (United States), Operazione Colomba (Italy), International Action for Peace (Spain), and Christian Peacemaker Teams/ECAP (US and Canada).

PBI-Colombia highlights: “Together we are stronger!”

Upcoming webinar!

PBI-USA and PBI-Canada are working together on a webinar on Sunday, February 28 at 3:30 pm EST for individuals interested in becoming a frontline volunteer with PBI accompanying human rights defenders in Colombia, Guatemala, Honduras, or Mexico.

To register for that brigadista webinar, please click here.

