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PBI-Colombia accompanied CCAJAR lawyer receives threat during hearing into police killing of university students

PBI-Colombia accompanied CCAJAR lawyer receives threat during hearing into police killing of university students

José Alvear Restrepo Lawyers’ Collective (CCAJAR) lawyer Yessika Hoyos and her client Alfonso Mora León have received threats.

Infobae reports that Alfonso Mora León is the father of Jenner Alfonso Mora Moncaleano, a university student who was killed in the Mondoñedo massacre committed by the Colombian police between September 6-7, 1996.

The threats were received via text messages on their cellphones during Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP) hearings on the massacre.

Infobae reports: “Jenner, along with Vladimir Zambrano, Archimedes Moreno, and Juan Carlos Palacio Gomez, were kidnapped, tortured, murdered, and cremated by members of the [police intelligence directorate] DIJIN between September 6 and 7, 1996.”

That article adds: “On that last date, the bodies of the young university students were found in a garbage dump at the ‘Fute’ Hacienda in the Mondoñedo sector, on the road that leads from Bogota to Mosquera.”

CCAJAR says: “Before the crime, a group of DIJIN men had identified, with the help of alleged witnesses, these six young men as members of the Antonio Nariño urban network of the FARC guerrillas, who in 1995 activated an explosive device at the police headquarters in the town of Kennedy in Bogota, which claimed the lives of three uniformed men.”

The lawyers’ collective adds: “The policemen acted by their own hand and executed the youths and cremated their bodies to avoid recognition.”

CCAJAR says this is a new episode of harassment and intimidation to which Alfonso Mora León has been subjected along the way in his search for the truth about the crime committed against his son Jenner.

It further notes: “This type of attack is part of a systematic practice against members of the CCAJAR who have represented victims in this and other cases, and which has been known to the authorities and now to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, where it is pursuing a case of persecution against this human rights organization.”

And it highlights: “This new episode of attacks against the victims and against the CCAJAR will be brought to the attention of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in the framework of the case against the Colombian State for persecution of the José Alvear Restrepo Lawyers’ Collective.”

PBI-Colombia has accompanied CCAJAR since 1995.


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