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PBI-Colombia accompanied CREDHOS notes community struggle against Canadian oil company Parex on World Water Day

PBI-Colombia accompanied CREDHOS notes community struggle against Canadian oil company Parex on World Water Day

Article by PBI-Canada

On March 19, CREDHOS tweeted: “For a healthy environment, CREDHOS accompanies and supports the processes in defense of water in the territory. We highlight the struggle of the Bajo Simacota community against contamination by oil spills, caused by Parex.”

Notably, Parex is a Calgary-based company.

The image above features Adolfo Salinas Coba who says: “We defend water, because water is life, and I would not exchange a glass of water for a glass of oil.”

Parex Resources Inc. operates the Aguas Blancas oil field in the municipality of Simacota, Santander in northeastern Colombia.

Numerous environmental concerns have been raised about this oil field.

Adolfo participated in a blockade of the oil field last March. By September, Parex had taken him and another social leader to court. By October, a municipal court had dismissed the company’s challenge against the social leaders.

On December 21, 2020, CREDHOS president Ivan Madero Vergel, CREDHOS lawyer Leidy Irreño, CRY-GEAM spokesperson Oscar Sampayo, and environmental leader Raúl Barba. spoke about this case at this media conference.

