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PBI-Colombia accompanied Justice and Peace Commission reports on the eviction of youth from camp near humanitarian space

PBI-Colombia accompanied Justice and Peace Commission reports on the eviction of youth from camp near humanitarian space

The PBI-Colombia accompanied Justice and Peace Commission has reported that an eviction alert was given on June 4 at 5:08 pm to the youth camping at the Parque el Mundo near the Portal de las Americas humanitarian space in Bogota.

Justice and Peace adds: “The district and national authorities are required to respect the integrity of all members of the camp located in the park, as well as to provide the means to guarantee the health and minimum vital of those people who do not have a place to shelter, enabling a temporary place for the protection of these people.”

For updates from Justice and Peace, they are on Twitter here.

The humanitarian space

PBI-Colombia has previously noted it’s “where youth and grassroots organizations in the area have created a humanitarian space for participation in the social protests.” Teusaradio further it’s “a place of artistic, cultural and political debate that resists constant police repression.” And Contagio Radio has noted it includes “various artistic and cultural activities” as part of a “collective resistance”.

Youth on the frontlines of the national strike in Colombia

The Associated Press has reported: “Thousands of young people and college students have been at the forefront of Colombia’s antigovernment protests, armed with improvised shields made from garbage cans and umbrellas. They have taken the brunt of the tear gas and gunshots from security forces, and dozens have paid for it with their lives.”

Human Rights Watch has commented: “Thousands of young people have taken the streets across Colombia because they feel they have no future. They see government institutions as distant entities that are not willing to listen to them.”

The percentage of youth in Colombia who neither work nor study (“ni-nis”) has risen from 19 percent to 33 percent in mid-2020 and is likely even higher in 2021. Many are not in school because they do not have a computer or internet service at home to study remotely. A reported 3 million out of 11 million young people in Colombia neither study nor work.

Following the withdrawal of the controversial tax reform plan that would have hit lower-income Colombians, ABC News reports: “Demonstrators are now pressing demands that include reforming the police, implementing a basic income plan for 10 million people and providing free tuition at public universities.”

Danilo Rueda

On June 3, Justice and Peace Commission national coordinator Danilo Rueda spoke about the situation of youth in Colombia on a PBI-Canada convened webinar. To listen to his talk (in Spanish), click here.


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