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PBI-Colombia accompanies CAHUCOPANA at two-day humanitarian action in the village of Carrizal, Antioquia

PBI-Colombia accompanies CAHUCOPANA at two-day humanitarian action in the village of Carrizal, Antioquia

On March 28, PBI-Colombia tweeted:

“On March 28 and 29 we accompany @CAHUCOPANA [the Humanitarian Action Corporation for Coexistence and Peace in Northeast Antioquia] in the #AcciónHumanitaria [humanitarian action] in Carrizal, Remedios, Northeast Antioquia. #Hoy [today] is made visible to international institutions and organizations serious humanitarian crisis and #ddhh [human rights] to reduce risk in #RemediosTerritoriodePaz [Remedios territory of peace].”

Carrizal is a village/hamlet in the municipality of Remedios in the department of Antioquia in the subregion of Northeastern Antioquia.

CAHUCOPANA explains: “The mining-peasant communities that inhabit the villages of #Remedios await the humanitarian caravan with the desire to make territorial problems visible and reduce the level of risk in the face of increased violence in #Carrizal.”

And it further notes: “In the face of the humanitarian crisis and the increase in violence, collective and community work mobilizes us.”

Two-day humanitarian action

On the first day of the humanitarian action, ECAP Colombia explains: “The community was introduced to the different delegations from institutions, accompaniment organizations, other villages, as well as the different services that the action will provide.”

The second day of the humanitarian action on March 29 will include a health brigade, attention to victims, advice on the formalization of small and medium mining, financing for agricultural projects, and a forum on risks and protection for social leaders.

Regional context

El Espectador has reported: “The presence of armed groups has been a constant. First came the guerrillas, such as the extinct FARC, during the eighties. Ten years later, with the emergence of the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC), the municipality became a place of dispute over the richness of its gold-mined land.”

That article adds: “According to its inhabitants, this wealth has belonged to armed groups and multinationals that, according to trade unionists, committed crimes to keep most of the territory to exploit this mineral with titles in perpetuity.”

On October 8, PBI-Colombia accompanied CAHUCOPANA at a meeting with various United Nations officials to discuss this situation. At that time, CAHUCOPANA noted: “We work together under the need to strengthen the protection and self-protection mechanisms of peasant communities.”

PBI-Colombia has accompanied CAHUCOPANA since 2013.

Photo: “At this moment, the delegation made up of humanitarian institutions and organizations is traveling in a humanitarian caravan to the

village of #Carrizal #Remedios.”



