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PBI-Colombia accompanies CREDHOS at press conference on threats by armed actors against 45 people

PBI-Colombia accompanies CREDHOS at press conference on threats by armed actors against 45 people

On February 11, PBI-Colombia tweeted: “We accompanied @Credhos_Paz at a press conference on the serious increase in the presence of armed groups in Magdalena Medio with serious consequences in terms of human rights. Urgent measures are required to provide security guarantees in the region.”

CREDHOS also tweeted the photo above and a communique with the caption: “Expansion of armed groups and violations of Human Rights and Infractions of International Humanitarian Law in Magdalena Medio.”

This communique from CREDHOS states:

“During the month of January 2022, we recorded with great concern the expansion, positioning and control of armed groups in the territory.

The continuous threats coming from armed groups through public pamphlets are framed in a socio-economic, environmental and political context; where the interests derived from the implementation of unconventional methods of oil extraction -fracking- and the electoral processes to be developed in 2022 are accentuated.

Undoubtedly, the strong social leadership and the iron defense of human rights, life and territory, are against the interests of those who seek to impose an extractivist economic model in the Magdalena Medio region.

Within these pamphlets, about 45 people were threatened, including two human rights defenders from the CREDHOS Corporation: CAROLINA AGÓN – Promoter of CREDHOS and president of the Human Rights Committee of Puerto Wilches – and RAMON ABRIL – member of the Board of Directors of CREDHOS and coordinator of the Training Area.”

The CREDHOS communique concludes: “We urge: The International Community to continue its efforts in monitoring the human rights situation in Colombia.”

Armed actors threaten environmental leaders opposed to fracking

Dígame further reports: “Within the right to protest, environmental leaders have demonstrated again and repeatedly; its position to Ecopetrol in front of the fracking pilots.”

It adds: “However, the oil company has allegedly ignored the recommendations of communities, social organizations and environmental leaders, and has continued with this process behind the backs of citizens.”

That article quotes CREDHOS president Iván Madero who says: “Armed actors have taken a stand on the issue of fracking. In recent days the AGC [Clan del Golfo /Gaitanist Self-Defense Forces] summoned meetings to the communities in San Pablo and Puerto Wilches, after the absence of the community the self-defense groups publish a pamphlet where they threaten the leaders and associations that oppose the fracking pilots.”

And Colombiano 24 quotes CREDHOS stating: “We demand respect for the work carried out by environmental leaders in the Middle Magdalena and mainly in the municipality of Puerto Wilches, where they give a permanent fight against fracking and defense of water and life, we demand that the authorities investigate these facts.”

PBI-Colombia has accompanied the Regional Corporation for the Defence of Human Rights (CREDHOS) since 1994.
