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PBI-Colombia accompanies Humanitarian Commission meeting with ACVC, CAHUCOPANA and CJL in Northeast Antioquia

PBI-Colombia accompanies Humanitarian Commission meeting with ACVC, CAHUCOPANA and CJL in Northeast Antioquia

On July 20, the Small-Scale Farmer Association of the Cimitarra River Valley (ACVC), a social organization operating in 120 villages in the Magdalena Medio region, participated in the Humanitarian Commission that took place in Northeast Antioquia.

The ACVC report on that meeting notes the participation of many groups including the Humanitarian Action Corporation for Coexistence and Peace in Northeast Antioquia (CAHUCOPANA) and the Corporation for Judicial Freedom (CJL) along with the accompaniment of the Peace Brigades International-Colombia Project and Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT).

The CAHUCOPANA report on the meeting can be read here.

The ACVC report highlights: “The most relevant conclusion of this important space was to establish that the difficult human rights situation through which the territory passes is due in large part to the non-compliance by the national government with the implementation of the Final Peace Agreement, especially points 1, 2 and 3.”

The Final Agreement to End the Armed Conflict and Build a Stable and Lasting Peace of November 2016 is composed of six parts.

The first three points referenced by ACVC are: 1. Towards a New Colombian Countryside: Comprehensive Rural Reform; 2. Political Participation: A democratic opportunity to build peace; and 3. En of the Conflict.

The Peace Agreement can be read in full in English here.

The ACVC report also expresses concern about: “The almost non-existent guarantees for the exercise of social leadership, the diffuse mining policies, municipal development and the intensification of the conflict, which are contradictory with respect to those signed in the Final Peace Agreement.”

PBI-Colombia has accompanied the CJL since 2000, ACVC since 2007, and CAHUCOPANA since 2013.


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