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PBI-Colombia to accompany the Colombia National Human Rights Award ceremony

PBI-Colombia to accompany the Colombia National Human Rights Award ceremony

Article by PBI-Canada

Update: The Committee in Solidarity with Political Prisoners (CSPP) won in its category! PBI-USA extends its congratulations to the CSPP!

The Peace Brigades International-Colombia Project has posted that it will accompany the Colombia National Human Rights Award ceremony on December 2 in support and recognition of the work of human rights defenders in Colombia.

The ceremony can be watched on the Facebook page for the National Award for the Defense of Human Rights in Colombia starting at 9 am EST.

The website for the award has noted: “Annually, and since 2012, the National Human Rights Defence Award celebrates the lives of women and men who work in the defence and promotion of human rights in Colombia.”

The award is presented by Diakonia (an international, faith-based cooperation organization founded by Protestant churches in Sweden) and the Church of Sweden (an Evangelical Lutheran church with 6.1 million members) that is part of the ACT Alliance of churches and church-related organizations.

Infobae reports that this year’s nominees include Barrancabermeja councillor David Ravelo (a founding member of CREDHOS) and Nydia Erika Bautista Foundation director Yanette Bautista (both in the Lifetime Recognition category) and the Committee of Solidarity with Political Prisoners (in the NGO of the Year category).

PBI-Colombia accompanies CREDHOS, the Nydia Erika Bautista Foundation and the Committee in Solidarity with Political Prisoners (CSPP).

PBI-USA joins with PBI-Colombia in congratulating and expressing appreciation to all nominees and defenders of human rights in Colombia.

