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PBI-Colombia highlights lack of adequate progress in the investigations into state violence during the national strike

PBI-Colombia highlights lack of adequate progress in the investigations into state violence during the national strike


On June 21, PBI-Colombia tweeted:

“#HRC50 Human Rights Council @UN_HRC @pbigeneva before the Office of the Special Rapporteur #ProtestaSocial: No progress is being made on investigations into abuses committed by state actors #ParoNacional2021 increase in prosecutions of young people and attacks against those who represent them such as @nydia_erika @CSPP_”

On June 20, Kim-Mai Vu of Peace Brigades International presented an Oral Statement during the Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and association Clement Voule at the United Nations Human Rights Council session in Geneva, Switzerland.

Vu stated:

“In Colombia, the investigations into the abuses perpetrated by state and para-state actors in the context of the National Strike (accused of human rights violations during the protests, including homicides, sexual violence, eye injuries, and forced disappearances) lack adequate progress, the prosecutions of young protesters from the “front lines” are increasing. Likewise, threats and aggressions against those who represent them persist, such as the recent very serious case of a break-in and theft of information against the organization of victims of forced disappearances – Nydia Erika Bautista Foundation (FNEB) and the threats in recent months against members of the Committee in Solidarity with Political Prisoners (CSPP).”

The video of Vu’s presentation can be seen here (starting at 08:59).
