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PBI-Colombia notes urgent concern about new attacks on the territory of the Peace Community of San José de Apartadó

Video: PBI-Colombia at the Peace Community on March 27, just days after the murder of two community members.

PBI-Colombia has posted on social media: “Urgent. After the murder of two members of @cdpsanjose [the Peace Community of San José de Apartadó], new attacks occur on the territory of the Community. Guarantees, research results and progress in the commitments made by the State are urgently needed.”

This follows the tweet from the Peace Community that says: “Urgent! Upon arriving at our Las Delicias community property, we evidenced that the property was violated again, the gate, work tools, food and dishes were stolen.”

On April 20, the Peace Community had also tweeted: “Urgent! Paramilitaries in the Las Nieves village break into private property. There are several paracos [which may mean supporters of former Colombian president Álvaro Uribe Vélez] camped inside the property and they do not allow residents to carry out agricultural work there. It is already the third consecutive threat against anyone who tries to work the property.”

As noted above, these incidents follow the murders of Peace Community members Nallely Sepúlveda (30 years old) and her brother-in-law Édinson David (14 years old) in the village of La Esperanza on the collective farm known as Las Delicias.

We continue to follow this closely.

The Peace Brigades International-Colombia Project has accompanied the Peace Community of San Jose de Apartado since 1999.

Published by Brent Patterson on 
