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PBI-Colombia volunteer speaks about the continued accompaniment of human rights defenders during the COVID-19 pandemic

PBI-Colombia volunteer speaks about the continued accompaniment of human rights defenders during the COVID-19 pandemic

On April 14, Peace Brigades International-Switzerland published this interview with PBI volunteer Manuel Müller who has been accompanying at-risk human rights defenders in Colombia since September 2019.

Müller highlights, “PBI has adapted its work to the new circumstances and we are mobilizing all available resources to ensure that the human rights situation does not deteriorate.”

“We are all the more active by telephone in order to stay in contact with organizations and communities, as well as at the political level.”

“Awareness and advocacy work are extremely important at this time and contributes greatly to the protection of human rights.”

Müller also notes, “The Coronavirus crisis has, so to speak, led to lower guard over violations, both in the media and in state institutions. This is another reason why it is extremely important that PBI continues to work rigorously.”

To read the full interview with Müller, please click here.

Photo by PBI-Colombia.
