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PBI-Guatemala accompanies Indigenous authorities at Mayan ceremony, community assembly opposed to megaprojects

PBI-Guatemala accompanies Indigenous authorities at Mayan ceremony, community assembly opposed to megaprojects

On August 9, PBI-Guatemala posted: “PBI accompanies the authorities of Olopa and Quezaltepeque in the commemoration of ancestors on the #InternationalDayofIndigenousPeople.”

Prensa Comunitaria further reported:

“Indigenous authorities of Quezaltepeque, Olopa, Camotán, and Jocotán, in the department of Chiquimula, held a community assembly on the occasion of the International Day of the Indigenous Peoples, which is commemorated every August 9.

The Ch’orti Maya Indigenous Council of Olopa and Quezaltepeque joined to walk to the summit of Chiramay, a sacred place for the Ch’orti’ people, in the municipality of Quezaltepeque, Chiquimula to start the day with a Mayan ceremony.

“We want to be recognized and respected as an indigenous people, we organize to continue advancing our rights. As indigenous authorities we want to unite the communities to have a better Guatemala,” said Ovidio Alonzo, of the Indigenous Council of Olopa.

María Miguel, the indigenous authority of Quezaltepeque said: “We as an indigenous people want to continue making efforts to unite and defend our territory from megaprojects.”

Miguel showed her gratitude for the accompaniment of authorities from San Luis Jilotepeque, from the Poqomam people. The ceremony was attended by about a thousand people.”

The Prensa Comunitaria article is here.


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