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PBI-Guatemala provides accompaniment at World Water Day

PBI-Guatemala accompanies the Council of Communities of Retalhuleu at World Water Day commemoration

PBI-Guatemala has posted:

On March 16 #PBI accompanies the Council of Communities of Retalhuleu in the commemoration of #WorldWaterDay in the communities of Champerico.

In this meeting, members of the Council exchanged on the challenges faced by the communities, such as the lack of water in the territories due to the extension of sugar cane monocultures and the contamination of this vital liquid. Campesino families are affected by not having water to drink or for the orchards. ‘Even the birds are dying of thirst,’ shares a community authority.

In spite of all the effects, the people resist with joy and make an altar to share fruits and vegetables that they have in their orchards that still survive.

Criminalization and acquittal

PBI-Guatemala has noted: “The CCR began to organize in 2015 as a result of adverse effects caused by the expansion of the monoculture of sugar and the use of large-scale agrochemicals and pesticides used by the mills in the region.”

Four members of the CCR have been criminalized since November 2019 due to their advocacy.

It was not until May 30, 2023, that they were fully acquitted.

The Peace Brigades International-Guatemala Project has accompanied the Retalhuleu Community Council (CCR) since April 2020.

Published by Brent Patterson on 
