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PBI-Guatemala seeking field volunteers, deadline to apply is August 1

PBI-Guatemala seeking field volunteers, deadline to apply is August 1

The Peace Brigades International-Guatemala Project is seeking new field brigadistas.
The application deadline is August 1.

Following this deadline, the next key date in this process is the training and selection week (December 5-11).

The application forms can be found here.

PBI-Guatemala accompanies organizations including the Peaceful Resistance La Puya, the Network of Ancestral Healers of Community Feminism, the Human Rights Law Firm, and the Union of Campesino Organizations for the Verapaces (UVOC).

Key requirements to be a volunteer include a working proficiency in Spanish; a commitment to at least twelve months of fieldwork; an ability to work in a horizontal structure where decisions are made through consensus; and experience working and living in groups, especially in stressful situations.

Volunteers are also normally over 25 years of age.

If selected, the following expenses are covered: return flights, room, board, and medical insurance. Volunteers also receive economic support of $175 monthly for personal expenses, and a repatriation grant when they have completed their service.

For more information, please click here. You can email


Please, consider donating to PBI-USA. You can make a safe donation here.

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Support our 40th Year Anniversary Campaign by making a donation

2021 is Peace Brigades International’s 40th Year Anniversary! 


Whether human rights defenders fight for social equality, justice, or environmental and indigenous rights, we must protect their vision of the future. For 40 years, PBI has provided protection so defenders can continue their work. With your support, we can ensure that PBI-USA can continue to make space for peace.


Together, we will provide life-saving support to more threatened defenders in urgent need of protection.


Please consider donating to our campaign.

Make checks payable:


Peace Brigades International-USA
P.O. Box 75880
Washington, DC 20013


Don’t forget to connect with us on social media for the latest updates and human rights news.


