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PBI-Guatemala seeks field volunteers, application deadline is January 23, 2022

PBI-Guatemala seeks field volunteers, application deadline is January 23, 2022

The Peace Brigades International-Guatemala Project has issued a call for new field volunteers and is accepting applications until January 23, 2022.

The training and selection week will be held May 29 to June 4, 2022, in Yorkshire, England.

Placement in the field would come after that.

Among the requirements are a good level of Spanish, the ability to commit a minimum of 12 months work in the field, and being at least 25 years of age.

Among the organizations that PBI-Guatemala accompanies include: Chicoyogüito Neighborhood Association of Alta Verapaz (AVECHAV), the Human Rights Lawyer’s Office, Maya Ch’orti’ Indigenous Authorities of Olopa and Quezaltepeque, ‘New Day’ Ch’orti’ Campesino Central Coordinator, the Peaceful Resistance La Puya, Retalhuleu Community Council, and the Union of Campesino Organizations for the Verapaces (UVOC).

To watch two recent webinars about volunteering in the field, please click here (October 24, 2021) and here (February 28, 2021).

More about the application process can be read here.

