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PBI-Honduras facilitates workshop on security for human rights defenders at ‘Rights for All’ conference

PBI-Honduras facilitates workshop on security for human rights defenders at ‘Rights for All’ conference

On August 4, PBI-Honduras tweeted:

“We recently held a workshop with several Honduran human rights organizations. We thank CEM-H [Centre for Women’s Studies] for the invitation and the more than 20 organizations that participated.”

Among the organizations tagged in their tweet are the Progressive Care Center for Disability (CAPRODI), Alternative of Community and Environmentalist Reclamation of Honduras (ARCAH), Caritas (a Catholic development, aid, and social services organization), and the National Human Rights Commissioner (CONADEH).

On July 27, CEM-H also posted:

“First day of the workshop Integral Security for Human Rights Defenders; participating more than 20 organizations defending common goods, Network OSC, members of the Local Boards of the MP -CONAPREV and CONADEH, facilitated by PBI; in the framework of the project “Inclusion, Governance, and Restoration of Rights for All” and All of them.”
