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PBI-Kenya discusses digital security with human rights defenders at monthly mandazi meeting

PBI-Kenya discusses digital security with human rights defenders at monthly mandazi meeting

Article by PBI-Canada

On September 21, the Peace Brigades International-Kenya Project posted: “In our #MonthlyMandaziMeeting we discussed digital security for human rights defenders, including safe communication platforms and social media presence.”

A mandazi is a fried snack, like a doughnut, only triangular and far less sweet. Mandazis are always had with tea and these monthly meetings are a time for defenders to gather in solidarity and share stories, initiatives, problems, and successes.

Digital security is increasingly an issue of concern for PBI.

This past February, PBI-Spanish State co-organized a workshop on digital privacy and security for activists in Valencia with Perifèries (Peripherals) and Komun, an autonomous cooperative of experts in different technical fields.

The PBI-supported Nepal Monitor also supported a two-day digital security training this past February for professionals working/involved in different human rights organizations.

And PBI-Netherlands has supported digital security training through the Shelter City Network in partnership with Justice and Peace Netherlands.

Shelter City recently noted: “Online threats and surveillance are a reality for most #HumanRightsDefenders. Such risks to the security of defenders have increased during the COVID-19 pandemic, as most of their work is done remotely and digitally. This is why it is crucial for HRDs to know how to use digital tools and devices in a more confident, secure and privacy friendly manner.”

Our friends at Front Line Defenders have also compiled information on various Digital Security Resources that can be read here.

PBI established the Kenya Project in December 2012.

You can follow their work on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

