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PBI-Mexico accompanied Espacio_OSC appears at IACHR session on situation for women and girls at protests

PBI-Mexico accompanied Espacio_OSC appears at IACHR session on situation for women and girls at protests

On October 27, the Espacio_OSC for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders and Journalists (Espacio_OSC) appeared at the thematic hearing “Situation of the human rights of women and girls in the context of the protests in Mexico” within the framework of a session of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR).

Espacio_OSC, a coordination platform of 18 civil society organizations, is accompanied by Peace Brigades International-Mexico Project.

Article 19 reports: “At the hearing, it was denounced that, in a patriarchal context such as Mexico characterized by strong violence against women and girls, voices of collectives, feminist and human rights movements have been raised…”

“Given the urgency and gravity of the context, [movements] have made use of their right to social protest, free expression and the right to defend human rights to demand from the Mexican State actions to prevent and eradicate this violence.”

The report also notes: “Demonstrations led by women, despite being mostly peaceful, have begun to be stigmatized as violent, violating the rights to peaceful assembly and freedom of expression.”

The full report can be read at Organizaciones sociales denuncian ante CIDH la criminalización de la protesta feminista en México.

“Social protest in #México is stigmatized and criminalized by the State, being the object of constant violence due to a patriarchal environment and a repressive regulatory framework for the right to free association and free expression.”
