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PBI-Mexico accompanies the Peoples’ Front on a march on the 102nd anniversary of the murder of Emiliano Zapata

PBI-Mexico accompanies the Peoples’ Front on a march on the 102nd anniversary of the murder of Emiliano Zapata

Article by PBI-Canada

On April 10, PBI-Mexico posted: “Today we accompanied the Peoples’ Front in Defense of Land and Water ((FDPTA) watching a mobilization and cultural minutes in memory of Zapata against the megaprojects and in defense of the land and water.”

April 10th is the 102nd anniversary of the assassination of Mexican revolutionary Emiliano Zapata, who was 39 years old when he was killed by soldiers in Ayala, Morelos in 1919.

Zapata’s grandson, Jorge Zapata González, has been an outspoken opponent of the PIM megaproject that the Peoples’ Front opposes.

PBI-Mexico adds: “Protesters demanded Justice for Samir Flores, an indigenous defender and member of the FPDTA killed in 2019 in the context of their fight against the installation and operation of the Morelos Integral Project (PIM) megaproject.”

On February 20, 2019, Flores was shot in his home in Amilcingo, Morelos and died later that day in the hospital. He was 30 years old.

The perpetrator of that crime has not been brought to justice.

PBI-Mexico highlights: “From PBI we call on the Mexican and international authorities to avoid impunity for the murder of Samir, and to ensure the safety of FPDTA and all the people defending land and water.”

Three of the key components of the PIM megaproject are completed: the aqueduct that would take 50 million litres of water a day from the Cuautla River, a 171-kilometre gas pipeline that crosses three states, and the thermoelectric plant in Huexca, Morelos.

PBI-Mexico has accompanied the Peoples’ Front in Defense of Land and Water since 2020.
