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PBI-Mexico accompanies visit of Norwegian ambassador with human rights defenders in Chihuahua

PBI-Mexico accompanies visit of Norwegian ambassador with human rights defenders in Chihuahua

On October 27, PBI-Mexico tweeted: “We welcome the visit to #Chihuahua from @EmbNorMexCA [the Norwegian ambassador to Mexico] and the meeting held with human rights defenders and organizations.”

Ambassador Ragnhild Imerslund also tweeted: “The situation of human rights defenders in #Chihuahua is worrying. Norway supports their fight against the forced displacement of indigenous peoples, femicides and sexual violence. Appreciation for sharing experiences and recommendations to the international community.”

PBI-Mexico has previously noted: “Alianza Sierra Madre has been working since the nineties with indigenous communities located in the municipality of Guadalupe and Calvo, in the Sierra Tarahumara of Chihuahua.”

“Several national and international organizations have recognized the situation of extreme violence that plagues the Sierra and that means a high risk for human rights defenders. Due to their work in defense of human rights, both community leaders and members of ASMAC have suffered reprisals.”

PBI-Mexico also explains that: “PBI has occasionally accompanied ASMAC since 2013; in July 2018, it expanded and formalized the accompaniment due to the high level of risk faced by the organization.”

On March 11, PBI-Canada and Amnesty International-Canada jointly organized this webinar that included Isela González of ASMAC with members from the community of Coloradas de La Virgen, including Otón Portillo and Celestino Carrillo.

Celestino’s father, Rarámuri land defender Julián Carrillo Martínez, was killed in the community of Coloradas de la Virgen on October 24, 2018.

