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PBI-Mexico marks its 20th anniversary!

PBI-Mexico marks its 20th anniversary!

“20 years of weaving care”

We extend our warm congratulations and appreciation to our colleagues at PBI-Mexico as they mark their 20th anniversary.

In this article, PBI-Mexico notes:

It is not easy to explain what 20 years of work mean for Peace Brigades International’s Project in Mexico.

Many metaphors came to mind when we tried: People crossing paths, stories, dialogues, jobs, will, heart and emotions which interlace between human rights defenders –the heart of this project– and the sea of volunteers who have given and continue to give life to the project. Words turn to threads that weave dialogue, dialogue which is threaded in accompaniment, an exchange that stretches vertically and horizontally to form a network.

’To weave is to devise, to fabricate, to conceive a function and beauty from the simplest of elements’, writes Virginia Postrel, making us think of the beautiful dignity that has been built between so many human rights defenders and volunteers through the decades.

Truth be told, this is a delayed celebration, one which had to wait because the world has been on pause for almost two years.

We learned that the world only partially paused. In Mexico, the danger, the resource-depleting ‘megaprojects’ , the dispossession, the disappearances, the attacks on women, sexually diverse people or migrants and other rights violations continued.

We also wish to declare that radical tenderness is fundamental to offer support, that enormous amounts of resilience are needed to function, to walk despite adversity and distance.

With the many paths and spaces where we could and will continue to be present in such a complex country where we need to continue weaving with strategy, intelligence, constant work, care, commitment, radical tenderness, patience and much love. That is, perhaps, the first lesson after 20 years.

We encourage you to read their full article at PBI Mexico, 20 years of weaving care.

You can also watch this 7-minute video they have produced for this anniversary. It is in Spanish, but there is a subtitles function (and it’s also just visually beautiful).

