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PBI-Mexico at protest against Grupo México Buenavista del Cobre mine toxic spill into Bacanuchi and Sonora rivers

PBI-Mexico at protest against Grupo México Buenavista del Cobre mine toxic spill into Bacanuchi and Sonora rivers


On August 5, PBI-Mexico tweeted:

“At PBI Mexico we express our concern about the possible impacts on the #environment within the framework of #megaprojects and we recall that [the United Nations] declared that access to a clean and healthy environment is a universal #human right.”

They further noted on Facebook:

“PBI Mexico was present at the peaceful protest of Cuenca Rio Sonora [Sonora River Basin], accompanied by PODER [the Project on Organizing, Development, Education, and Research] in their fight for respect for a healthy environment.”

On August 4, Des Informemonos reported:

The company Grupo México remains unpunished eight years after the spill of 40 million liters of toxins from its Buenavista del Cobre mine in the Bacanuchi and Sonora rivers, denounced the Sonora River Basin Committees (CCRS).

Among the demands made by the communities to the authorities is a comprehensive and effective plan for justice and reparation, with an ecotoxicological, long-term perspective in terms of health, socio-environmental, and other rights affected by Grupo México, which considers the definitive installation of a specialty clinic and the installation of water treatment plants with the capacity to separate heavy metals in the communities that require it.

The defenders of the CCRS, together with the organization Project on Organization, Development, Education, and Research (PODER), also called on the authorities to impose themselves and punish those responsible for the disaster, since “the debt to justice and for accountability to those responsible continues to increase.”

El Pais has also reported:

Despite the environmental disaster, the federal government has allowed Grupo México to expand its mining operation with the construction of a new dam for its toxic waste, 23 kilometers from Bacanuchi, one of the towns most affected by pollution.

Throughout these years the inhabitants of the Sonora River have been winning battles.

“They took away our right to water and life, but we have learned to fight, to document ourselves, and to follow,” says Elda León, from the [affected]  town of Banámichi.

The articles can be read at Grupo México, impune a ocho años del derrame en río Sonora and Plomo en la sangre y pérdidas millonarias, la tragedia del río Sonora sigue sin resolverse.

PBI-Mexico also highlights the article: La Asamblea General de la ONU declara el acceso a un medio ambiente limpio y saludable, un derecho humano universal.