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PBI-USA 3-Day FLASH Fundraiser


For the third year in a row, the PBI-USA Team is pulling together to raise much needed funds over a 3-day period to support the work of PBI. PBI-USA’s 3-Day Flash Fundraiser has become an energizing way for PBI-USA staff and volunteers to raise funding to support both the work of our country group, including advocacy support provided in Washington, DC, as well as the work of PBI’s projects and our international office in Brussels.

With your help spreading the word, our 3-day fundraiser is able to generate contributions from all across the country. We are more successful when our supporters choose to share the fundraiser on social media and with friends and family.

Thanks in advance for your support and donation!

Amelia and Team PBI-USA

P.S. You are welcome to join our team at any time! We would love to have you and it’s super easy to join in. Simply click here to create your profile and start fundraising! We’ll add you to the team below! For help creating your profile or for fundraising tips and support, please click here.





How your donation helps

Funding from this year’s Flash Fundraiser will help us carry out our mission of providing protection and support to threatened human rights defenders around the world. More specifically, in 2024, funds raised will go towards covering the cost of our National Gathering, planned for October 2024 in Washington, DC, and supporting our DC-based advocacy post.

Read below to learn how PBI-USA contributes to the overall work of PBI

Protective Accompaniment:

Peace Brigades International recruits, trains, and sends volunteers, backed by an international support network, to accompany human rights defenders and communities in areas of conflict. Through PBI’s physical presence and advocacy efforts, we’ve helped safeguard the lives and work of activists, journalists, and community leaders, allowing them to continue their vital work without fear of reprisals. Each year, PBI-USA sends a significant portion of our budget to the PBI international office in Brussels to support the global work of PBI.

In 2024, PBI-USA will send a total of $52,800 of our total budget of $93,811 to directly support PBI’s global work.

Capacity Building and Training:

Where there is a clear need for capacity development for human rights defenders which local organizations cannot meet, PBI provides as much support as possible – working in partnership with local organizations whenever possible. In this way PBI aims to support human rights defenders develop their capacity to carry out their work effectively and in relative safety, focusing much of their training on helping human rights defenders improve their security. 

PBI-USA does not provide security training to human rights defenders but with your support we do provide space for information exchanges and collaboration as part of our joint campaigns and speaking tours that bring defenders together from different organizations to engage in important conversations, such as the recent joint delegation with the Due Process of Law Foundation through which US Senate offices learned about the arrests in Guatemala of five academics, arrest warrants issued for 27 more, and attempts to remove the immunity of President-elect Arevalo and his vice president, resulting in Senators Tim Kaine, Chair of the Western Hemisphere Subcommittee of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Dick Durbin, Jeff Merkley and Peter Welch releasing a statement

Advocacy and Awareness:

Advocacy is key to PBI’s work, and a vital element of international protective accompaniment. Your support allows us to bring to the U.S. and/or support the advocacy efforts of human rights defenders like Christopher Castillo, General Coordinator of ARCAH (Alternativa Reivindicacion Comunitaria y Ambientalista), who is leading the movement against so-called Zones for Employment and Economic Development (ZEDEs) in Honduras. These zones, which operate as independent territories, not subject to Honduran law, threaten to envelop vast swathes of Honduras; up to 35 percent of the country could be made into such zones. With that development would come the displacement of multitudes of people, many of whom are Afro-descendant and Indigenous and have ancestral right to the land they inhabit. By leading the struggle against these zones, which are backed by some of the world’s wealthiest and most powerful men, Christopher and fellow members of ARCAH have come under attack. Following a series of meetings with Christopher in 2023, he messaged:

Toda revolucion implica solidaridad y compartir y ustedes son Buenos revolucionarios

Every revolution involves solidarity and sharing and you are good revolutionaries

We know there are a lot of causes that need your support. We thank you for considering donating to Peace Brigades International. As a small but mighty non-profit organization, every donation truly makes a difference!

Meet Our Team










Thank you to each and everyone of our donors! Only with your support is PBI able to do this live-saving work!