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PBI-USA Coronavirus Safety Announcement

Now more than ever, we must all defend human rights.


In this extraordinary time of uncertainty, fear and instability, Peace Brigades International - USA extends our solidarity to all of you who are struggling to remain optimistic in the face of such unique and global challenges.


PBI-USA remains convinced that solidarity, empathy, and connection can help us overcome this historic moment and perhaps remind us of the importance of these fundamental human characteristics in the construction of fairer societies based on respect, tolerance, and inclusion of all voices.


Protecting defenders.


We are all human rights defenders and must take this responsibility seriously in the face of the major challenges we are being confronted with.  We rely on States to guarantee our rights, and when they fail to do so, we must raise our voices and advocate for those more vulnerable than ourselves.


Human rights defenders are playing fundamental roles in ensuring that vulnerable communities have access to healthcare and information about the virus and its impacts in the absence of adequate state protection.  They are holding States to account, pushing for better access to information, organizing water and sanitation campaigns amongst other fundamental activities.  Protecting these people will ensure a faster and more effective response to the health crisis. 


Those defending their territories are still at huge risk in contexts of political violence where threats, attacks, and killings of defenders continue to be reported daily, despite the crisis. Women defenders are experiencing particularly high levels of risk. Imprisoned political activists and those awaiting trials are particularly at risk, due to the overcrowded and unsanitary conditions of prisons, and are at higher risk of contracting the virus, being moved arbitrarily and their cases being postponed due to the crisis.


In PBI-USA we are constantly evaluating the context and taking measures to guarantee the safety and health of those collaborating with the organization and the human rights defenders we support.  These actions include ensuring volunteers have access to healthcare wherever they find themselves and increasing phone calls and virtual monitoring with the individuals and organizations we support.  We will continue to provide protection for those at the frontline throughout these challenging times. 


Responses must respect fundamental rights.


The current crisis requires States to implement measures that restrict certain freedoms in order to curb the transmission of the virus.  It is essential that the measures are taken to guarantee the rights of those most vulnerable, and do not produce disproportionate impacts that exacerbate humanitarian crises and fuel militarisation, persecution, and repression. 


Under the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, we all have the right to “the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health”, including in times of crisis and emergency.  PBI-USA expresses the urgency of protecting these rights in this situation of the pandemic, particularly for the population historically excluded from the enjoyment of such fundamental rights.


PBI-USA echoes the important statements of our colleagues at Amnesty InternationalHuman Rights WatchCEJILIM-DefensorasThe United Nations and so many others who have expressed support and solidarity with those struggling in the current circumstances.


Moving forward together.


At times of crisis, we must unite as a global community of human rights defenders to ensure that marginalized groups and the most vulnerable members of society are not disproportionally affected.  PBI-USA will continue to support defenders as best we can despite the context, generating networks of solidarity that strengthen our voices and combat the isolation and helplessness that people are feeling. 


You’re not alone, your voice counts, and your support is needed now more than ever to ensure human rights are upheld as we overcome this crisis together.



In Solidarity,



For further information about the specific situation in the countries we work in, please visit the country websites.

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