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PBI-USA observes the International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances

PBI-USA observes the International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances

Article by PBI-Canada

Today, Sunday August 30, is the International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances.

The United Nations has explained: “On 21 December 2010, by its resolution 65/209 the UN General Assembly … decided to declare 30 August the International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances, to be observed beginning in 2011.”

Earlier this week, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said: “The crime of enforced disappearance is rife across the world. We see new cases almost daily, including the disappearance of defenders of the environment, who are often indigenous peoples.”

Guterres adds: “Meanwhile the excruciating pain of old cases is still acute, as the fate of thousands of disappeared people remains unknown, making the crime a continuous presence in the lives of the loved ones of the lost.”

Today, PBI-Colombia tweeted: “Today #DíaVíctimasDesapariciónForzada We recognize the family members who with strength and dignity continue in the search for truth, justice and reparation for their loved ones.”

PBI-Kenya tweeted: “Today it is the International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances. @MissingVoicesKE invites you to sign the petition to criminalize enforced disappearances.”

On Facebook, PBI-Honduras posted: “Today we unite in solidarity with those missing people. To those mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, sisters, brothers, friends, friends, colleagues and colleagues who in one way or another have been impacted by an enforced disappearance. We also join that cry and admire the bravery of those people who do not lose hope and day after day continue in pursuit of truth and justice! #DesaparicionForzada”

And PBI-Mexico posted: “This day in addition to remembering the victims of this global scourge, it also aims to recognize the existence of it and to visibilize the tireless struggle of thousands of families in their quest for truth, justice, comprehensive reparation and measures of no replay. From PBI we support organizations of both the Movimiento por Nuestros Desaparecidos en México and the National Campaign against Enforced Disappearance, who fight to recognize the problem of enforced disappearance in Mexico and to make the voices of the victims be heard and included in the design of public policies on the subject. We stress the need for their recognition and protection as human rights defenders and express our solidarity with the important work they do every day.”

PBI-Mexico also notes: “Re-watch ‘The Search’ video that shows the situation of both families and defenders who work for the missing in Mexico.”

Peace Brigades International marks this day and accompanies human rights defenders working toward a world without enforced disappearances.