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PBI-USA organizes webinar to support PBI-Mexico call-out for new field volunteers

PBI-USA organizes webinar to support PBI-Mexico call-out for new field volunteers

This past Sunday March 20, PBI-USA and PBI-Canada in conjunction with PBI-Mexico organized a webinar to support the call-out for new field volunteers.

You can watch that 1-hour webinar here.

It features Manuel Jabonero with PBI-Mexico interviewed by Ailish Morgan-Welden of the PBI-Canada Board of Directors.

The deadline to apply to be a field volunteer with PBI-Mexico is March 31. That is followed by a training week in June and placements in the field beginning in July-August.

To apply, complete the request form together with three references forms and send to before March 31.

PBI volunteers commit to a minimum of a year in Mexico in one of the two different working field teams: Chihuahua City, which serves the north of Mexico, and Mexico City, which serves the center and south of the country.

PBI volunteers live and work together in an office-house, they participate in all PBI work activities (physical accompaniment, advocacy, communications, security and protection training), administrative tasks and internal communications.

C1/C2 level or equivalent of fluency in Spanish is a requirement.

PBI will cover the following expenses: round trip from your country of residence, all work and stay travel expenses (accommodation, meals, medical insurance), monthly financial support of 250 euros per month for personal expenses and a repatriation of 45.00 euros per month worked once your field placement has been completed.

More details can be found at Become a Field Volunteer.

