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PBI webinar on how to become a field brigadista happening on Sunday February 28

PBI webinar on how to become a field brigadista happening on Sunday February 28

Article by PBI-Canada

PBI-USA and PBI-Canada are working together to offer four webinars this year for individuals interested in becoming a frontline volunteer with PBI accompanying human rights defenders in Colombia, Guatemala, Honduras, or Mexico.

The first webinar will be on Sunday, February 28 at 3:30 pm EST.

To register for that, please click here.

We will have more updates soon, but we now have Lucrezia Aresi (PBI-Mexico) and Morna Christie (PBI-Colombia) confirmed as speakers.

When Morna first became a volunteer in 2017, she said: “They say that the place of a woman is in the struggle, and the most important thing in this world is solidarity. I hope to offer the people we accompany here in Colombia solidarity that means that their struggles, sowed with a firm hand in this rich land, can continue.”

And when Lucrezia became a volunteer in 2019, she said: “I think that being a ‘brigadista’ is a huge responsibility, it means committing yourself fully to working alongside people who risk their lives to defend human rights, which for me is one of the highest examples of justice and human dignity.”

Join this webinar and hear directly from them about their experiences these past years and the crucial role played by PBI field brigadistas.

Our webinar on Sunday, February 28 is intended for those who may be thinking about applying to be a volunteer this year or even a few years down the road.

It might also be of interest to donors, allies, and others who would like to find out more about what accompaniment involves.

More than 20 people have already registered for the webinar!

To join this discussion, please click here.
