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PBI's Virtual Museum is here!

PBI's Virtual Museum is here!

PBI’s Virtual Museum is here!


Throughout the month of September, we will be celebrating PBI Month by sharing stories from the past 40 years, including the different PBI projects that have opened and closed around the world as we have adapted to the evolving needs of human rights defenders. We wanted to share with you a summary of PBI’s timeline which includes important milestones in the history of PBI.


For more information, please check out our Virtual Museum.

1980s: Nicaragua, Guatemala, El Salvador, Sri Lanka


  • Our story begins in 1981 with the founding of our organization.
  • Our first work was in Nicaragua in 1983.x
  • In 1983 we expanded our movement to Guatemala.
  • Later on in the 80s, PBI arrived in El Salvador.
  • In 1989 we started a project in Sri Lanka.

1990s: North America, Haiti, Colombia, Balkans, Mexico


  • In the 90s we began work in North America.
  • PBI extended its movement to Haiti in the 90s. 
  • In 1994 we began our work in Colombia.
  • During the 90s we collaborated in peacebuilding initiatives in the Balkans.
  • In 1995 PBI collaborated with other international organizations during the Zapatista uprising in Mexico.
  • We continued our nonviolent training work in the 90s in Haiti. 
  • 1997 saw the founding of the Peace Community in Colombia, an international symbol of nonviolent resistance.
  • In 1998 we closed our project in Sri Lanka.
  • In 1998 PBI set up a project in Mexico. 
  • PBI closed its project in Guatemala following the signing of the Peace Agreement. 

2000: Indonesia, Nepal

  • In 2000 we opened a project in Indonesia.
  • PBI reopened its team in Guatemala following the escalation of violence in the country. 
  • In 2006 we opened a project in Nepal to support human rights defenders. 

2010s: Kenya, Honduras, Nepal Monitor, Indonesia

  • In 2013 we extended our work to Kenya.
  • In 2013 we also opened our Honduras project. 
  • In 2013 we collaborated in the development of the Nepal Monitor. 
  • We took up our work in Indonesia again in 2014. 

2020s: Nicaragua & Costa Rica

  • Our newest project supporting Nicaragua from Costa Rica was started in 2020. 

As you know, the struggle for human rights is not over and our work in Colombia, Guatemala, Mexico, Nepal, Honduras, Kenya, and Nicaragua is more important now than ever as attacks against human rights are on the increase. 


As we move forward through the rest of the year, we will continue to support human rights defenders across the world through our physical accompaniment, and continue to amplify the message of human rights defenders. But, we cannot do this without your support.


Join us and help make a difference, please give today to help us protect threatened defenders! Please consider making a donation today.



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Please, don’t forget to connect with us on social media for the latest updates and human rights news.
