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Photo journal: PBI-Colombia accompanies human rights defenders during the #ParoNacional national strike

Photo journal: PBI-Colombia accompanies human rights defenders during the #ParoNacional national strike

Photo: PBI-Colombia accompanied the Committee in Solidarity with Political Prisoners (CSPP) in Bogotá on April 28. Scroll down for more photos.

The Peace Brigades International-Colombia Project has been accompanying human rights defenders throughout the national strike that began on April 28.

The Central Union of Workers (Central Unitaria de Trabajadores) called the national strike (paro nacional) to oppose a regressive taxation reform (#ReformaTributaria) package and a broader range of social, environment, economic, and human rights issues.

There has been an extreme and violent response from public forces (the police and military) resulting in arbitrary detentions, disappearances, injuries and deaths.

Here are some of the accompaniments (the bolded dates hyperlink to tweets) along with a compilation of photos below this text:

May 6: “PBI accompanied the Justice and Peace Commission in mobilizations at Portal de las Americas Kennedy where youth and grassroots organizations in the area have created a humanitarian space for participation in the social protests.”

May 5: “PBI accompanied NOMADESC in monitoring peaceful demonstrations in La Luna, Cali. The monitoring platform Indepaz has registered 31 people killed during the social protest between April 28-May 4, 24 of them in the city of Cali.”

May 4: “PBI accompanied NOMADESC in Siloe, Cali where they report at least 3 homicides and multiple injured people last night.”

May 3: “PBI accompanied NOMADESC in monitoring mobilization points in Cali within the framework of the national strike. 21 homicides and 503 people have been arrested during the social protest in Colombia between April 28 to May 1.”

April 28: “PBI accompanied members of the Committee in Solidarity with Political Prisoners (CSPP) in Bogota and the Social Corporation for Community Advice and Training (COSPACC) in Yopal within the framework of guarantees for peaceful social protest.”

We echo the statement from PBI-Colombia that: “Social and peaceful protest is a human right, above all, disproportionate repressions cannot be justified against the civilian population, we ask for guarantees and respect for life.”

MAY 6: PBI accompanies Justice and Peace Commission, Bogota

MAY 5: PBI accompanies NOMADESC, Cali.

MAY 4: PBI accompanies NOMADESC, Cali.

MAY 3: PBI accompanies NOMADESC, Cali.

APRIL 28: PBI accompanies the CSPP in Bogota, COSPACC in Yopal.


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2021 is Peace Brigades International’s 40th Year Anniversary!


Whether human rights defenders fight for social equality, justice, or environmental and indigenous rights, we must protect their vision of the future. For 40 years, PBI has provided protection so defenders can continue their work. With your support, we can ensure that PBI-USA can continue to make space for peace.


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P.O. Box 75880
Washington, DC 20013


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