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Recruitment Notice: PBI Seeks New Members of Board

Board of Directors - Recruitment Notice

Peace Brigades International (PBI) is recruiting new members to join its Board of Directors, the International Council (IC). We are looking for people to participate actively on the life of the organization, assuring good governance, financial sustainability and strategic direction for PBI.

Do you share our passion for human rights protection? Do you want to use your skills and experience to promote good governance and contribute to the long-term success of our organization?

As a rights-based global organization we seek to have inclusive representation on the International Council. Women and people with diverse backgrounds, particularly from the Global Majority, are strongly encouraged to apply.

Position: Application Due Date: 16 March 2025

Board of Directors (member of the International Council, volunteer position)

1. Organizational overview

Peace Brigades International (PBI) is a non-governmental organization, which protects human rights defenders and promotes nonviolent conflict transformation. PBI provides protection for threatened human rights defenders (HRDs) and displaced communities striving to promote social justice and human rights in areas of violent conflict.

PBI currently has teams providing direct protection support to Human Rights Defenders in Colombia, Guatemala, Honduras, Kenya, Indonesia, Mexico, Nepal and Nicaragua, as well as amplifying teams in over 10 other countries.

PBI project work is supported by an international office (IO) based in Brussels and a network of supporters and activists around the world. PBI uses a horizontal model of organizing and decision making.

The International Council (IC) is the Board of Directors of PBI, its main governance body. PBI is an international non-profit and the IC is legally responsible for its global operations and of most teams. Many of its responsibilities are delegated to other bodies of the organization, as teams, the International Office, committees or working groups. Its key functions are to ensure the following:• That the conduct and activities of PBI are consistent with and advance PBI’s mission, norms, and strategic directions given by the General Assembly 
• That PBI fulfils its internal/external, legal and ethical obligations, with policies and procedures in place 
• That an organisational structure is in place to carry out the strategic oversight, management and operations of PBI, safeguarding its assets and caring for its staff and volunteers 
• That global plans are developed based on consultation with all PBI entities and presented to the General Assembly for decision 
• That mechanisms are in place to monitor and evaluate strategic and operational plans and budgets 
• That all entities have budgets, financial management and operational plans in place and that they are regularly monitored

2. Legal structure PBI was registered in 1982 as a non-profit corporation in the State of Washington, USA. Our 501(c)(3) registration number is 91-1179750. All IC members are directors of the PBI non-profit corporation registered in the USA, and directors of the local branch of the PBI overseas non-profit organization registered in Belgium.

While all the teams providing direct protection are incorporated in the countries in which they operate, they are part of the legal structure and the governance of the international organization.

PBI has other legally-separate, locally-based groups in Europe and the Americas who undertake volunteer recruitment and support, advocacy and fundraising, and play an integral role in meeting the aims and objectives of the global organization.

3. Criteria for IC members

• Political awareness and familiarity with global issues relating to peace and human rights. Experience in the field of HRD protection would be an asset 
• Skills in political analysis and capacity to analyse complex situations 
• Commitment to and understanding of the principles and mandate of PBI 
• Experience of and commitment to working with decentralized and/or international organizations 
• A sound understanding of strategic planning and governance oversight 
• Able to travel and participate in the 4 days General Assembly every three years, and take part in monthly meetings by remote conference call 
• Able to serve on the IC for a three year’s mandate (renewable up to 2 times) 
• Able to commit an average between 18 and 24 hours per month 
• Fluency in English and/or Spanish 
• Candidates with prior experience working with PBI are encouraged to apply 
• Experience in staff management (Human Resources), law, fundraising and organizational management in an international NGO context would be appreciated

4. IC meetings

The IC meets every month remotely. In addition, there is an annual face-to-face meeting lasting three days, or equivalent remote sessions. The IC members also participate on monthly meetings of IC Executive Committees and on their work. It’s expected that IC members make necessary arrangements to attend these meetings.

5. Why be a member of the International Council?

Being on PBI’s International Council is sometimes intense and occasionally demanding, as anyone who works in human rights would understand. However, the IC is also a space filled with intellectual stimulation and meaningful debate with worldly and engaged colleagues. It is a special opportunity to be part of the decision- making that manages the present and helps shape the future of a global human rights and peacebuilding organization.

As an IC member, you can expect to:

• Gain skills and experience in the governance and management of an international human rights organization 
• Gain an understanding of and contribute to the strategic planning of an international organization 
• Work directly with a highly committed group of people dedicated to putting into practice the protection of human rights and promotion of nonviolence.

6. Languages

All IC meetings and conference calls are conducted in both English and Spanish (when necessary) with interpretation and translations provided.

7. Expenses

IC members are all volunteers and receive no remuneration. Communication, travel and other costs incurred while carrying out IC and international committee work will be covered by PBI.

8. Applications

Please send your CV and a short cover letter explaining why you would like to serve on the IC and how you meet the criteria to:, by Sunday 16 March 2025.

Shortlisted candidates will be invited to interview with representatives of PBI in April 2025. We regret that we will not be able to respond to unsuccessful applicants.