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Webinar 3: Stories of Resilience, Hope and Solidarity

Webinar 3: Stories of Resilience, Hope and Solidarity

Tune in for the latest instalment of our multi-media project, Right to Defend: Portraits of Resilience, Hope and Solidarity, and hear inspiring stories of resistance from around the world.

Sir Patrick Elias, PBI UK Patron and President of the Alliance for Lawyers at Risk

Juliet Stevenson, critically acclaimed actor and public figure

Christopher Colquhoun, seasoned theatre and television actor

17/06/2020 at 17:00 (GMT+1)

This webinar will be presented by PBI UK patron and Alliance for Lawyers at Risk president Sir Patrick Elias and delivered by two world class actors. Fellow patron Juliet Stevenson is a lifelong supporter of justice and human rights and will be joined by star of the stage Christopher Colquhoun. We are incredibly grateful that they have offered their oratory skills to the service of the cause.

These stories of resilience, hope and solidarity from the field are part of our latest multi-media project: The Right to Defend. Hearing stories from human rights defenders on the ground will strengthen our resolve and highlight new and different ways to support them. Their expertise, and the talent of our global network, can enrich us all.

We are constantly inspired by stories of resilience and hope from Nicaragua to Nepal, and want to share them with the rest of the world. In moments of crises, we would do well to reach out to one another in the same way. As community representatives, defenders are constantly amplifying the voices of those denied a platform. They exude relentless optimism in their struggle for a better world, channelling their suffering and frustration into the passion that fuels their work.

Pervading their struggle is a sense that things can get better. They envisage a world where human rights norms are respected, peace is a given, and people of all backgrounds are treated equally. Their work is laying the groundwork for fairer societies based on respect, tolerance and the inclusion of all voices. We could all learn from these beacons of resilience; individuals, communities and organisations proving time and again that their commitment to social change will outlast any setbacks they encounter.

Register for this webinar