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PBI celebrates signing of Peace Agreement in Colombia

PBI celebrates signing of Peace Agreement in Colombia


PBI greets the signature of the peace agreement between the Colombian Government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) with great enthusiasm, and congratulates Colombian civil society, victims and human rights organizations for the tireless work they have done for decades to build peace in Colombia. The signature of this agreement, however, is not an end point: it is the beginning of an even more important stage. 

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Analysis: Peace and the way forward

In 2016, PBI celebrates that after 22 years of accompanying human rights defenders in Colombia, it is witnessing the signature of a peace agreement between the Colombian Government and the FARC.

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Voices: A process of many years

"The peace agreements cannot be DEAD LETTERS. They must become genuine commitments, LIVING LETTERS, which transform the country, towards a peace with social justice." Maritze Trigos Torres

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Interview: More trained lawyers are needed to defend victims

"It is perfectly feasible within two years to build sufficient teams of trained lawyers to defend and advise the victims in these processes." Eduardo Carreño

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Voices: The beginning of a great challenge

"The day of the signing must be "supremely" visible, so the world does not doubt that this is what Colombia needs." Julia Figueroa

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Interview: Long walk to peace

"For the last four years, Colombia has been searching for peace agreements between the Government and the FARC guerrillas, after 60 years of armed conflict which has left many millions of victims." Father Javier Giraldo

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Voices: Peace is born from within the territories

"The expectation and the hope we have is for the agreements to be signed, so that we can work in peace, without fear, only if and when the other groups have handed over their weapons." María Ligia Chaverra

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Voices: More peace of mind

"The peace agreement changes our expectations as family farmers and helps us to strengthen peace initiatives that we want in our region." Irene Ramírez

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Interview: "The role of victims in the peace processes"

"After half a century of conflict, it is very positive that the two parties have at last decided on peace." Fabian Laverde

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Interview: I don't dare call the coming future "peace"

"The dialogue process with the FARC has brought important changes, and has put on the agenda themes like justice, the rights of victims and the political opposition in Colombia." Claudia Julieta Duque

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