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PBI signs accompaniment agreement with Consorcio Oaxaca

PBI signs accompaniment agreement with Consorcio Oaxaca

On 19 October the accompaniment to the organization Consorcio Oaxaca (Consorcio) was formalized by signing an agreement. The accompaniment that PBI provides to Consorcio aims to make their work visible to national and international actors and contribute to greater safety for the members of Consorcio and the defenders advised by that organization. Consorcio Oaxaca is a feminist organization that promotes respect and enjoyment of human rights of women and gender equality. The organization was established in 2003 with the purpose of influencing legislative and public policy processes as well as promote joint citizen networks, education and training of women for the recognition of their rights and contribute in building a participatory society for democracy, justice and social inclusion.

Since 2012 attacks against women human rights defenders have increased 300% in the State of Oaxaca. This, together with the risk Consorcio Oaxaca encounters due to the cases it accompanies and their key role in the Oaxacan civil society, motivated this accompaniment of PBI, which will not only support the work of Consorcio, but also contribute to strengthen the capacities in security and protection of other human rights defenders in Oaxaca.
