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PBI strengthens accompaniment to the Cerezo Committee after death threats

PBI strengthens accompaniment to the Cerezo Committee after death threats

On 30 September 2016 the Cerezo Contreras received a death threat through a writing on the wall of the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature of the Mexican Autonomous University. Throughout their 15 years of work for Human Rights in Mexico – 14 of which with the accompaniment of PBI – the Committee has suffered a number of reprisals due to their important mission.

As a part of their work, the Cerezo Committee documents Human Rights violations against HRDs; is one of the main organizations demanding a General Law against Enforced Disappearances and Disappearances perpetrated by private individuals; accompanies several emblematic cases such as the the one of the HRD Librado Baños Rodríguez or the one of the Cheran Rural School from Michoacan. Therefore, both the Cerezo Committee and other NGOs frame this threat, the harassment and the surveillance suffered by the members of the Committee in the wider context of repression of the defense of Human Rights throughout the country.
Pursuant to the incidents, PBI – in line with the actions of other NGOs – expressed its concern before Federal and State authorities, particularly during a private meeting with Hiram Almeida Estrada, Mexico City's Secretary for Public Security. Likewise, we also decided to increase our physical accompaniment to the Committee. Thus, on 12-13 October, PBI accompanied Hector Cerezo to the XXII Human Rights Forum of the Jesuit University System, which took place in Acapulco; between 28 and 30 October we accompanied the visits by Francisco Cerezo and Zita Loyo – members of the Committee – to imprisoned HRDs Librado Baños, Teófilo García López and Felipe Rojas Ortuño of UCIDEBACC, who are detained in the prisons of Santa María de Ixcotel and Etla, both in the state of Oaxaca.
