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PBI-USA to hold Orientation Weekends in October 2008

PBI-USA to hold Orientation Weekends in October 2008

If you are interested in learning more about and/or thinking about becoming a PBI field volunteer in one of our field projects (Colombia, Guatemala, Indonesia, Mexico or Nepal), PBI-USA enourages you to attend one of our upcoming orientation weekends.

  • October 4-5, 2008 in San Francisco, CA
    Location: Amnesty International - 1663 Mission Street, Suite 604, San Francisco, CA 94103
  • October 25-26, 2008 in Washington, DC
    Location: TBD

PBI-USA's orientation weekends are designed for individuals interested in volunteering with Peace Brigades International in one of our five field projects. Others with a general interest in PBI and our work are also encouraged to attend. The program will be an introduction to PBI and our work, an overview of our field projects, and a sharing of personal experiences by former field volunteers.

Download the registration form for Oct 4-5 here. 
Cost: $25
Registration Deadline: Friday, September 26, 2008

Download the registration form for Oct 25-26 here. 
Cost: $25
Registration Deadline: Friday, October 17, 2008

For more information, please contact Theresa Mutter, Program Associate for Volunteer Recruitment and Services, at theresa(at) or Phone: (202) 232-0412.