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UN Report on Women Rights Defenders released, PBI participates

UN Report on Women Rights Defenders released, PBI participates

The UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders (HRDs), Margaret Sekaggya, released <media 7291>the yearly report on HRDs</media>. She focuses on women HRDs. PBI played a large role in producing the report and is a member of the WHRD International Coalition that produced it.

Mike Tamblyn, In-Country Coordinator and Katherine Hughes-Fraitekh, director of PBI-USA, will represent PBI at the release of the report at the UN in NYC on Feb. 28 during the annual Commission on the Status of Women meetings.

Mary Jane Real, the WHRD International Coalition’s Director will be moderating the panel. The official release will be by the Special Rapporteur for HRDs at the UN General Assembly meetings in Geneva in March.