• 14 March 2010
    For those interested in volunteering with PBI field teams in Mexico, please note that the application deadline is fast approaching! Click the country link below to access the online application forms. For more information on the volunteering process, please contact us via email or the respective PBI Project.
  • 2 March 2010
    PBI-USA will be having its Summer Volunteer Orientation Weekend  in Washington, DC. This event is for all those interested in becoming a field volunteer with PBI. Former field volunteers and PBI staff will present in-depth information about Peace Brigades International, the volunteer experience and process, and contextual information on our five projects.
  • 2 March 2010
    Patrick Robbins of La Crosse, Wisconsin will  be deploying to the Nepal Project in late March and his currently training in-country. His local newspaper did an interesting article about Patrick’s journey and upcoming work. Check it out on the La Crosse Tribune website!
  • 2 March 2010
    For those interested in volunteering with PBI field teams in Indonesia, please note that the application deadlines are fast approaching! Click the country link below to access the online application forms. For more information on the volunteering process, please contact us via email or the respective PBI Project.
  • 21 January 2009
    Article by Lisa Kunkel
  • 15 September 2008
      Click here to download the tour flyer! Defending Human Rights and Non-Violent Activism: Saving Lives and Promoting Peace 
  • 25 August 2008
    If you are interested in learning more about and/or thinking about becoming a PBI field volunteer in one of our field projects (Colombia, Guatemala, Indonesia, Mexico or Nepal), PBI-USA enourages you to attend one of our upcoming orientation weekends.
  • 7 February 2008
  • 24 September 2007
  • 24 September 2007
    PBI has just been chosen to receive donations from The Combined Federal Campaign, the world’s largest workplace fundraising drive.  Each year more than 1.3 million federal employees (military & civilian) donate $250 billion dollars to non-profits.  A new category was set up called Peace and Reconciliation and PBI is among the first to be listed. If you are a federal employee please designate Peace Brigades.Our CFC number is 12453.
