Civil society orgs worldwide release new supplement to UN Declaration protecting human rights defenders

Following a year-long project involving consultations with human rights defenders, Peace Brigades International joined a coalition of human rights organizations to release the Declaration +25, a landmark document systematizing relevant developments in regional and international human rights law and standards of the last 25 years.

PBI-Honduras visits with National Union of Rural Workers (CNTC) that sees little change in unequal land ownership

The Peace Brigades International-Honduras Project has posted: “[On June 3] we met with Melany Chavarria, general secretary of the CNTC [National Union of Rural Workers] in La Paz. From the CNTC they shared their concerns with us about the little progress regarding land titling and obtaining legal status for peasant bases.”

PBI-Honduras visits Museum Against Forgetting/Oblivion in Amarateca used as torture center in the 1980s

PBI-Honduras has posted: “Yesterday [June 5] we visited the Museum Against Forgetting in Amarateca, located in a property used as a torture center during the National Security Doctrine in the 1980s, redefining it as a space for memory and reflection. From PBI, we highlight the work of the Committee of Relatives of the Detained and Disappeared in Honduras [COFADEH] to reclaim the memory of the victims of human rights violations, especially the crimes of torture and forced disappearance.”

PBI-accompanied groups mobilize to commemorate International Women's Day

On March 8, 2024, PBI-accompanied groups around the world mobilized to commemorate International Women's Day, now in its 114th year. Women human rights defenders advocate and lobby for human rights within their community and are not only targeted for their activism, but also face gender-specific rights violations. At Peace Brigades International, we stand alongside these women, supporting them to continue their vital work even amidst repression and violence.

Joint Statement: Concern about the lack of protection for defenders of LGTBI+ rights in Honduras

In light of LGBTI+ Pride Month, international organizations Front Line Defenders and Peace Brigades International (PBI) express their concern as regards the risks faced by human rights defenders of the LGBTI+ community in Honduras. Both organizations have observed a tendency towards an increase in attacks at times of greater visibility for the LGBTI+ community, such as LGBTI+ Pride Day. Therefore, Front Line Defenders and PBI call for national and international solidarity and support for the protection of those who defend the rights of sexual diversity.


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